ASA COVID-19 Response:
Keeping You Current
During these unprecedented times, we want to keep you informed about what ASA is doing to protect the interest of our member-shops as well as your employees and customers. We put some helpful resources together below so be sure to check them out. If we can serve you in any way during these challenging times, please email us or call (817) 514-2901. Stay safe!

ASA Seeks to Protect Small Businesses
ASA Washington, D.C. representative Bob Redding continues to work feverishly to help protect and get needed financial and other help for ASA member-shops. Bob has been so busy that he is constantly updating ASA affiliate leaders on conference calls, while at the same time monitoring fast-breaking legislation in the nation’s capital. And his efforts haven’t slowed!
ASA Works with SBA Approved Lenders
Once much-needed additional funding was approved for PPP & EIDL programs for small businesses, ASA worked with SBA approved lenders to provide support, education and information for ASA shop members.
The Latest!
- SBA releases details of 'Second-Draw' PPP loans
- ASA urges shops to contact Congress to move new COVID-19 relief stimulus package
- White House releases COVID-19 update, clarifies PPP loan forgiveness procedures
- ASA urges Congress to pass COVID-19 relief stimulus bill prior to adjournment
- Bipartisan Senate group releases framework for $908 billion COVID-19 relief economic stimulus
Past ASA Efforts:
- ASA, other aftermarket Associations oppose ‘Cash for Clunkers’
- COVID-19: Treasury Department updates PPP FAQ sheet
- ASA joins America’s Recovery Fund Coalition
- ASA Podcast (Episode 41): ‘Taking the Hill’ Bi-Monthly Podcast
- ASA joins America’s Recovery Fund Coalition
- ASA urges shops to request that members of Congress oppose new ‘Cash for Clunkers’ program
- COVID-19: ASA to host Virtual Industry Professional Forum (May 6)
- MobileSoft offering specials aimed at helping ASA members during COVID-19 crisis
- Tom Piippo’s One Eye in the Mirror: Dealing with COVID-19
- COVID-19: ASA leader gives update, urges repair industry to write Congress & fill out surveys
- ASA: Letter-writing effort urges lawmakers to provide additional Paycheck Protection Program funding
- ASA, others urge Congress to expand authority of current PPP program
- ASA Podcast (Episode 35): Coping with COVID-19 crisis — A view from the trenches!
- Video (COVID-19): ASA leader provides overview, urges repair shops to seek funding opportunities
- ASA, other auto industry groups seek national approach for defining ‘Essential’ businesses
- U.S. Congressman joins ASA leaders for COVID-19 Media Briefing
- ASA’s Industry Best Practices: Auto Repair Shops & COVID-19
- President Trump signs $2 trillion Coronavirus Stimulus Package (CARES Act)
- Video: ASA Washington, D.C. rep provides update on Stimulus Package, impact on auto repairers
- ASA Update: White House, Senators Strike Deal on Massive Stimulus Package
- Video: ASA Washington, D.C. Representative Bob Redding Shares the Latest on Coronavirus-related Legislation
- Video: ASA Washington, D.C. Representative Bob Redding Shares the Latest on Coronavirus-related Legislation
- ASA Asks Members to Write Letters Favoring Tax Relief for Small Businesses
- ASA Podcast (COVID-19): Washington, D.C. Stimulus Packages Offer Help for Small Business
- ASA Advocates for Small Business Owners during Coronavirus Health Crisis
- ASA Signs on to Letter Calling for Disaster Relief for Small Business Employers
- ASA Signs on to Letter to NGA Urging Help for Small Businesses
- Define Yourself as an ‘Essential Business’ Like New Car Dealers are Advocating (TAKE ACTION, CLICK HERE)
- Let Your Local Governments Know the Same (TAKE ACTION, CLICK HERE)
Related Articles:
- Paycheck Protection Program loan deadline is Aug. 8
- Trump signs PPP Flexibility Act into law
- COVID-19: Treasury Department updates PPP FAQ sheet
- U.S. Senate committee holds ‘remote’ hearing on CARES Act; PPP discussed
- COVID-19: U.S. House may consider PPP reform stand-alone bill
- Video & Story: U.S. House passes Fifth Coronavirus Stimulus Package (HEROES Act)
- COVID-19: Department of Treasury & SBA release loan forgiveness application
- SBA PPP repayment deadline today (May 18)
- COVID-19 (PPP): U.S. House Committee on Small Business holds online forum
- AAA: As states re-open, motorists see pump price increases
- UPDATE: Trump administration releases additional PPP & Small Business Assistance info
- U.S. Senators send letter endorsing expanding PPP eligibility
- President Trump signs latest COVID-19 relief into law – more PPP, EIDL funding included
- U.S. House joins Senate in passing bill for additional PPP, EIDL funding
- Very Helpful: SBA list of active PPP lenders, organized by state (COVID-19)
- Updated (COVID-19): Paycheck Protection Program FAQ Sheet
- U.S. Senate passes additional funding for PPP, House to consider next
- COVID-19: SBA releases PPP ‘approvals’ report
- Special Report (Update): Impact of COVID-19 mitigation on numbers & costs of California traffic crashes
- Analysis: ‘What You Need to Know About Paid Leave’
- Report: Government lending to small businesses during COVID19 – Why? How? And will it work?
- COVID-19: Lawmakers submit letters regarding EIDL & PPP programs
- Analysis: ‘What You Need to Know About Economic Relief Oversight’
- COVID-19: Trump administration’s latest update for PPP, small business assistance
- Blog (Maryann Croce): Business needs to survive, to thrive during crisis
- COVID-19: Financial technology companies seek to speed up Stimulus
- COVID-19: Latest guidance on Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation Program
- Attention, repair shop owners & others! CARES Act update for PPP, small business assistance
- UPDATE (COVID-19): Additional information for PPP & small business assistance
- Leadership: ‘Emotional intelligence’ is critical right now during COVID-19 crisis
- COVID-19: Trump Administration releases FAQs associated with Paycheck Protection Program
- COVID-19: Republican leader calls for additional Paycheck Protection Program funding
- Now available: Free online advanced-level automotive technical & business management training
- COVID-19: White House announces release of additional guidelines for Paycheck Protection Program
- COVID-19: What you need to know about unemployment insurance
- COVID-19 Alert: Trump Administration updates, provides additional information on CARES Act
- IRS: Employee Retention Credit available for many businesses financially impacted by COVID-19
- Update: Additional resources available for small businesses impacted by COVID-19
- COVID-19: SBA provides info on Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)
- SBA provides e-newsletter on resources for small businesses impacted by COVID-19
- (COVID-19) Economic impact payments: What you need to know
- UPDATE: U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency on critical infrastructure workers
- U.S. Senate Passes $2 Trillion Coronavirus Stimulus Package (CARES Act)
- Summaries & Q/A released on eve of U.S. House ‘Stimulus Package’ floor vote
- Released: ‘Bipartisan Small Business Summary Provisions’ of the new Coronavirus Stimulus Legislation
- Vic Tarasik: ‘What We Have Here is a Failure to Communicate’
- U.S. House Committee on Appropriations Releases House Economic Stimulus Legislation
- Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announces ‘Stay at Home’ order
- Updated: More states include auto repair as ‘Essential Businesses’
- Small businesses in all 50 states now eligible for ‘Economic Injury Disaster Loans’
- Updated: List of States Approved for SBA Disaster Relief
ASA Podcast: COVID-19!
ASA Podcast host Tony Molla continues to work with industry leaders and ASA's Washington, D.C. office for the latest efforts to aid shop owners and others during COVID-19.

Important Information from the Small Business Administration!
CLICK HERE for information from the Small Business Administration (SBA) regarding COVID-19 and disaster assistance.

For current information affecting the independent automotive service and collision repair industries, keep informed:
- Download our ASA Member App – on iPhone and Android devices.
- Visit, which is ASA’s online news website. Updated regularly, we provide you with the information you need to know to stay on top of this crisis.
- Follow ASA on Facebook and join ASA's member only group for the latest.